Couples Therapy Retreat

Do you always argue?

Couples therapy retreats in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Florida & Vermont and internationally for deep healing and relief.

All Couples Retreats & Intensive Couples Therapy Sessions Are Conducted Using A Teletherapy Format.

To inquire about intensive couples counseling, marriage therapy retreats, and individual intensive therapy retreats, please book a complimentary appointment with me today.

Book An Appointment Contact Us :- +91 8400004172

Let’s Start At The Beginning, Why Is An Intensive Couple’s Therapy Retreat A Good Idea For Your Relationship?

For many couples, by the time they seek out a couple’s therapy retreat, their marriage or relationship is in a very rocky place. For some, they are considering divorce or another permanent change to their marriage or partnership.

For others, they have reached a point in their relationship that is critical to their health and self-esteem. Affairs and other events that have broken trust are often precipitating events that clients come to an intensive couples retreat to heal.

The key driver is that the couple knows their relationship truly needs both TLC and a plan.

Whatever you’re doing now is not working. Therapy at a slow pace is making it harder. You want more for your marriage or relationship and you’re dedicated to making that happen.

In my experience, the mix of deep determination along with a drive to “get to the heart of what’s going wrong” are the right mix for couples who benefit the most from intensive couple’s work.

What Can You Achieve With A Marriage Therapy Retreat?

In a safe environment, I will teach you:

  • The skills you need to finally resolve your disputes, arguments and disagreements.
  • How to effectively communicate to feel heard, listened to and validated.
  • How to find the happiness you’re missing in your relationship.
  • How to rekindle the spark between you.
  • How to be on the same team and have each other’s back.
  • And finally, if repair is needed, I will also teach you the Gottman method 5-step repair process along with other tools to encourage progress right away.

If you keep having the same conversations and can’t seem to resolve the issues, then our work in your couple’s intensive retreat will help you repair and resolve those arguments and differences.

Book An Appointment Contact Us :- +91 8400004172

In A Couple’s Counseling Retreat, You Will Learn How To:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Repair conflicts
  • Reduce arguments
  • Strengthen your friendship
  • Reignite passion and romance
  • Build appreciation
  • Have fun and laugh together again
  • Begin to rebuild trust and respect one another
  • Create a safety and security together, maybe for the first time
  • Heal the hurt and pain of resentment and anger
  • And finally, rediscover the love that lives inside of both of you that is hungry to come out

Plus a lot more depending on how committed you are to the marriage retreat experience and working with your partner.

What Are The Advantages Of An Intensive Couples Retreat Over Traditional Counseling?

You get time to focus on your relationship without having to stop because the session is over after 2 hours.

You also get to leave the worries of your kids, housework, jobs and other responsibilities behind. This is a time for you two and no one else takes prescience or priority over your relationship in this sacred space.

If you’re like most clients, you will see rapid results and positive changes for the better.

And of course, all of this happens in a short, speedy time frame. Instead of spending months in counseling, you can achieve the same, or deeper results in 2-3 days.

Couples therapy retreats in Baltimore Maryland helps this couple improve their relationship.

Contact Us :- +91 8400004172

How Can I Know If A Couples Therapy Retreat Is Right For Us Versus Regular Couples Counseling?

There are 4 main reasons why I started offering couples therapy retreats to my clients. See if they fit the solution you’re seeking:

  1. Weekly couples therapy helped many couples address their issues, but many couples wanted faster results. Therefore, we will complete the assessment phase, make an individualized plan, and address the many necessary skills to work through the issues. This action plan helps couples get started and into action faster than simply talking or reviewing the daily details each time.
  2. Many relationships can’t and don’t want to wait for months to finish the entire process.
  3. Some couples need help NOW for their relationship to make it.
  4. Many couples wanted sessions on back to back days to get a jump start on their relationship.

It’s from this place that I developed this intensive couples retreat format. I want to help my clients and align with couples who need help NOW and are motivated to take a leap forward in their relationship.

How Can I Get Started? Can We Discuss Our Needs To See It An Intensive Couples Retreat Is Right For Us?

As a Licensed couples counseling in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Florida & Vermont and internationally, I offer intensive couples therapy retreats to many different clients. Everyone brings different issues that often require different commitments of time in therapy.

In addition to intensive couples therapy work, I also offer couples counseling, individual counseling, and premarital counseling to clients.

As both a Gottman certified couples therapist and PACT certified couples therapist (highest certification available currently), I bring lots of tools to our sessions. These tools allow you to access the heart of what you’re experiencing in your relationship so you find a stronger connection or clearer path ahead, whatever that looks like.

Inquire Today To See If An Intensive Couples Retreat Is Right For Your Relationship

Nothing will set your marriage on the right footing like a secure foundation. Take this precious time to work through big issues like kids, finances, where you want to live, religion or other spiritual affiliations and more before they become a true issue between you.

To start your healing journey Contact Me to explore how to get started.

Book An Appointment

Contact Us :- +91 8400004172

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