Business Card & Logo Suggestions

A business card and a logo are considered to be the most important elements of any business while starting it. You ought to look into the design process in-depth and make sure it complies with your ideologies and is eye-catching at the same time.

However, by adding the element of Numerology to both, you can take your business to just another level and ensure that it runs successfully.

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Numerology and Visiting/Business Card

Your business card is usually the first impression of your company or business and it should leave a positive impression on the people or clients you hand over to.

The most important aspect of having a business card is the information that you wish to give out to people about yourself and your company. And thus, it is of utmost importance that you ensure the content in the business card is appropriately presented.

It should convey the message correctly.

The best part about business cards is that they would never go out of fashion or be replaced by any sort of digital means or channels. Despite everything going digital around us, be it emails, business communications, marketing strategies, and much more, business cards are still the quintessential form of business marketing and help spread your business details in a very personalized way.

You want your business card to be lucky for you and generate a lot of business and thus bring in a lot of profits for you. You certainly do not want people to simply take it and then forget completely about it. Or you do not even want to attract negative energies around it.

No matter if your business is small or big, your business card definitely creates a unique and special impression, if designed appropriately considering all the factors including the auspicious numbers as well.

As much as the designing part is critical for the business card, having it created under the expert guidance of a Numerologist makes a lot of difference in the way it can leave an impact on the people you hand it over to.

Having auspicious numbers according to Numerology can make your business not only highly successful but also helps in bringing positive vibes only along with a great team that puts in the complete effort to make the business successful, getting assistance and guidance from the right mentors, a worry-free business as well.

How to design a lucky business card?

While designing a lucky business card according to numerology, a few important things need to be taken into consideration such as:

  • The type of your business
  • a specific sector of the business
  • various elements such as personal or business elements depending upon the nature of the business.

Also, the various suggestions given based on the numerological readings by experts for the design part of the business card are generally as follows:

  • the layout of the business card
  • colour used in the business card
  • fonts being used in the business card
  • size of the overall business card
  • the type of material used for the making of the business card
  • arrangement of the key information that you wish to convey to your clients on the business card
  • specific taglines being used in the taglines

Best Tips For Logo Design As Per Numerology

A logo provides a specific identity to your business. This is the first thing that nobody would notice. It should carry some meaning to it and also be able to convey the right message to your clients.

A company’s identity and value are decided by the logo it has and is also considered a very crucial branding element and to a very large extent – the face of the company.

Numerology for Logo Designing

Numerology has a solution for everything in human life. While designing a logo, numerology can really help in a holistic way to bring the lucky charm through your business logo.

Remember that your logo has to be attractive (be able to grab the attention of all in a positive light) and also memorable (something that people should remember for a long and thus is able to contact you easily).

And thus, while considering such points, if you also design the same as per the concepts from numerology, it would just turn into a lucky charm for your business.

While designing a lucky business logo according to numerology, a few important things need to be taken into consideration are:

  • The type of your business
  • the size of your business
  • Products and services offered by your company
  • sector of the business
  • the personal element and the business element

Also, the various suggestions given based on the numerological readings by experts for the design part of the business logo are generally as follows:

  • The shape of your logo
  • the size of your logo
  • the colours being used in the logo of your business
  • fonts being used in logo designing
  • placement of the logo
  • arrangement of the text in the logo
  • Should not be complex
  • Easily identifiable
  • no excessive details
  • Should be concise
  • Should be clear in the concept

Dr. Vedant Sharmaa, being one of the finest and expert numerologists in India has recommended such logo and business card designs to various businesses across the globe such as construction, hotel industry, manufacturing companies, factories, e-commerce, food industry, etc.

He has enabled them to attract the most positive and auspicious energies to their businesses by suggesting them a few changes in their business card and logo designs.

It has thus helped them garner more publicity and credential for their business in a positive light.

So, if you are looking forward to designing your business card and logo as per the numerology concepts to attract good fortune and luck for your business, then you are at the right place.

Business card and Logo design suggestions as per Numerology only at 1100/-

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